
The data provided in this app is sample data and does not represent the real properties of the product.

Chaplon Breakfast Tea
Origin: Sri Lanka
Weight: 4g
Produced: 2023
Ingredients: Black Highland Pekoe, Black Lowland Gâlle and White Tea

Traceability Information

Harvest Location

Tea plant seedlings

Harvest Date

Black Highland Pekoe: 20/11/2023

Black Lowland Gâlle: 12/11/2023

White Tea: 21/11/2023

Distribution center

Arrival Date


Tea plantation icon

Origin: Sri Lanka

Galle and Pekoe region

Factory line

Blending Factory

Date: 10/12/2023

Location: Tea Blending Factory, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Tea bag icon

Packing Factory

Date: 15/12/2023

Location: Tea Packing Factory, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Tea bag icon

Package Information

Handmade bags, 100% cotton

Tea bag icon


4cm (length), 2.5cm (width)

Airplane icon


Shipped in aircraft in standard containers

Distribution center icon

Distribution Center

Tea Distributor, Copenhagen, Denmark

Distribution center icon


Tea unboxed and separated into order boxes

Distribution center icon

Certified Organic

Information for consumers

Chaplon Breakfast Tea is a mixture of black highland Pekoe, black lowland Gâlle and white tea from Sri Lanka. It gives a tea with a characteristic strength that goes well with e.g. milk and honey.

For this tea, Pekoe of the best and finest top shoot quality, is used to obtain a tea with a very low content of tannic acid. The Gâlle used comes from the lowlands, where the tea is often more powerful than the teas from the highlands. The white tea balances the taste impression and adds a fresh and elegant twist.

Add a bag of tea (4 grams) per cup (20 cl.). The best result is achieved with lime-free water that is brought to a boil. Remove the kettle the moment the water boils and pour it over the tea.